Thursday, January 24, 2013

15 week appointment-Prego Update

Last Monday we had our first appointment with the OB/GYN.  We met the PA who was super nice and went through all my fun history and went through the dreaded exam but then we got to the fun part.  She put the doppler up to my belly and there is was.  At 155 heart beats a minute, it was a healthy baby's heart beat!!  Truly a blessing!  The funny thing is she only had it up to me for about 5 minutes and the baby moved constantly, not sure if that is a good or bad sign for things to come. LOL.  
So we set up our ultrasound appointment for February 5th and can't wait to find out what it is!!

Another fun thing is as I was getting into bed Monday night, I got to feel the little butterfly movements going on inside!  Oh that is sooooo fun!  And Tuesday at work I was entertained by soft kicks.  I had told Luke that I know for sure this time that he was in fact the baby moving and not just gas. ha ha ha.

On Saturday I will be at 17 weeks so hopefully I will remember to take another belly shot to share!

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