Thursday, March 14, 2013

24 Week update and another ultrasound

Today we hit 24 weeks.  I can't believe I am 6 months prego. Seems just like yesterday we just found out!!  Well here is the bump....

Yesterday we had our routine follow up at the OB/Gyn, everything was good.  He is measuring right on point and I'm gaining weight right on point (I guess that's a good thing, lol)
His heart beat has jumped back up to 150 beats.

This morning we had our detailed ultrasound to double check the heart arrhythmia and the echogenic focus thing.  The detailed ultrasound is amazing.  We saw that he has monkey toes like his dad :( And he has the cutest little face, some strong calf muscles already and he seems like he just might be a big healthy boy.  He is weighing 1 pound and 8 oz.
The tech looked at the heart and we listened to the heart beat again and she said she couldn't tell where the other tech picked up the arrhythmia!!  Yahoo (I am hoping that is also a good thing)  She said that the baby is moving A LOT and thought it could of been that.  But we will know for sure when the doctor calls with the results.  But already its sounds great!
Of course she got some amazing pictures which I just have to share!

His cute little profile!

3D pictures of his face that I can actually make out and don't look like blobs :)

The cutest little nose and lips.  And he was talking to himself once again.

Some tiny fingers, which she counted all 10 of them are there! lol

I just love the little feet!  She pointed out how you can see the 2nd toe is the same or if not bigger than the big toe, yep monkey feet like his dad :( lol

Strong muscular leg! ha ha

3D pic of his leg, she pointed out the nice calf muscle. ha ha

And his little face!!  Soooo cute.

So we don't have anything else until our next follow up appt in a month, in which I have to do the dreaded glucose test :(
But he is a very busy and active guy already, I enjoy all the punches and kicks all day long and love how when we lay down for bed he does as well!  Already trained, SWEET! ha ha

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Ciera's room

So with the baby coming, we moved Ciera's room to the play room that we had downstairs.  We painted and decorated it right before starting the tile.  We still have to get the bed that I want for her room but that will be coming soon!!  Here is some pictures.

I can't wait to get the bed, it will definitely make the room so much better!!  Love it :)

Downstairs project done!!

Yeeahhh, our downstairs is done and looks so good!! The hubby amazed me once again :)  We are just glad to get back to normal.  I spent yesterday putting in all the little stuff and wiping all the dust off of everything.  Last night we actually got to turn our tv on and sit on the couch for the first time in 2 1/2 weeks!! lol.  Here is the finishing pictures.

Luke putting in the grout

Kitchen with everything back in!

So glad to have this project done!!  Now on to starting on the baby's room :)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

23 week ultrasound

I love having a friend that is in school to be an ultrasound tech!!  She was able to bring me and my mom in on a day that we actually all had off from work!  My mom loved being there and being able to see her newest grandson.  He did seem to have his thumb or fingers in his mouth but that was when he wasn't talking to himself, ha ha.  We sat there and watched his little jaw move as he sat there and talked and talked and talked.  Great, 3 out of 3 kiddos that talk to themselves, I guess it just runs in the family :)

Arms crossed in front of face

giving a thumbs down

Look like the thumb in the mouth

Yes, that his is foot up by his head.  Guess he is a little cramped :)

His profile with his mouth open

and a different kind of picture, but its the umbilical cord.  Something I have never seen in an ultrasound!

A foot

In action as he was pushing on me!

Has his hand under his head holding it up, hmmm a little poser already??

Foot and leg.

We have our follow up appointment this week as well as our detailed ultrasound to look at his heart.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

22 weeks and 5 days :)

Ok, so I'm either 5 days late on the 22 week picture or 2 days early to do the 23 week picture, ha ha.  Oh well, at least I remembered!  

He has been a lot more active and about 2 nights ago I was laying in bed talking to my hubby and he starts kicking where we could see my tummy move.  So he doesn't want to kick for Luke when he holds his hand on my belly but at least he can see it now. ha ha

I have been feeling pretty good for a prego :)  Still very tired especially after the 13 hours of my work day.  When we were at our 21 week ultrasound they said that the saw that the baby had echogenic intracardiac focus, which is pretty normal in babes in the womb but that he also had heart arrhythmia, which is also normal for babes in the womb but since he has both we have to go in to get a detailed ultrasound this week just to make sure everything is ok.  Something that we have been handing to God to take care of and definitely praying for.

Downstairs project

Can I just say this has been a crazy week or two.  We decided to pull out all the carpet and tile from our downstairs except in Ciera's new room and replace it with new tile.  We were wanting to do wood but that was a little out of our price range and I didn't think it would hold up well with the kids.  But then we found this really cool tile that looks like wood but is actually tile!  So we decided to go with it.  Luke started demolition last weekend and has worked on the tile pretty much every day since.  We are about half way done with just the small hall way and bathroom to finish and then on to the grout!!
Here is the project so far....

After demo, yes everything in my kitchen is a mess!!  My job for the next three days is taking everything out of cabinets and washing EVERYTHING!  Yeah sounds like fun! lol

The living and dining room

Front hallway and bathroom

Then the tiling began last Tues! We are thankful for the hands that have been helping us! (Thomas, Papa Frank, and Colby)

Luke's dad, Frank, helping to start the pattern

Thomas the mud man!

Not bad for day 1 :)

The kitchen so far, yes still dirty, that will change this week!! :)

Living room and front entry

Living and dining room!

I just can't wait to get it done and get our furniture back in place to see what the finished look will look like!!
And hopefully then I can post pictures of Ciera's room now that it is pretty much done too except all the furniture in there :)  
We did have a leak from this front bathroom into Ciera's room which we had to rip up the carpet and get the carpet dried fast enough to be able to save it, which we did, although the bookshelf that I just bought wasn't savable, UGH!! 
I will post finished pictures when we get it done :)