Wednesday, September 11, 2013

2 months old!!

Titus just hit 2 months :)  Exciting and sad all at the same time.  
He went for his 2 month check up today and got 4 shots :(  Poor thing.
He weighs 11 pounds and 10 ounces (30%) and is 22 3/4 in long (33%).  He has been sleeping through the night for 6 nights now and I just moved him up to the size 2 nipples for his bottles.
He is starting to find his voice and hold his head up pretty well.  He loves his bath time in the bath tub and is still my little snuggle bug!
Here is some pictures from the last month.
Carter feeding his cousin

Cousin time :)


First time on his play mat and likes it

Time with Great grandpa and great grandma

And this pictures are from daddy-one minute his happy, and the next he's not. ha ha

Bath time!

So cute in his bath towel

Hanging with the boys!!  (Brody Bennett and Roman Watt)

Smiling at his mat friends

Hanging with his cousin Asher

Laughing at momma

My sweet baby boy

Holding that head up

All my favorite parts :)

Can't wait to see what is in store for the next month!!

New school year

So the girls have been in school now for about a month and doing good.  Janiece is still at Greenfield Jr High and in 8th grade, yep the top dog in the school. ha.  And Ciera is still at Patterson Elem and is in 3rd grade.  Janiece tried out for this years volleyball team at school and unfortunately didn't make it but she is signed up to start with the Gilbert NYS again starting next month!!  Ciera is still doing gymnastics once a week.