Monday, February 27, 2012

Girls redone bathroom

Ok, so I have lived in my house for 6 years now.  I still love it but you know you start getting the itch to either start remodeling and updating or moving.  Well moving really isn't an option right now (darn it!) so we went with doing some remodeling.  The first thing on my list is the girls bathroom.  It has a door that separates the sinks from the tub and toilet which is fine, but when they designed it when the door is open its up against the tub practical.  I hate it.  It is super dark in there and I always felt like it was soooo dirty.  (Which having two girls in the bathroom, it probably was, lol)
So my talented hubby took out the wall with the door, put in new tile and moved around some electrical outlets.  Since the construction part of it is done, I wanted to share what it looks like for now.  Until we can build up some more spending cash for me to decorate (YYYYAAAAHHHOOOOO) 

The bathroom before (see the small room in the dark)

Bye bye wall!!

Bye bye mirror

My hubby did an amazing job doing the patch work, can't even tell where the door was

Cut a hole on the opposite wall for the medicine cabinet

Bye bye tile

bye bye old baseboards

Hello new tile!!

We found out how slanted our house was built when putting in new tile, lol.

Hubby putting in the grout

Tile and grout, DONE

Time for primer on the walls

No more green paint!!

Hello gray paint!!  And the hubby placing the covers on the new placed light switch

Gray paint with the new tile

Medicine cabinet in!

New base boards, IN!!

We took one of our smaller mirrors from our bathroom and put it in this bathroom, instead of the big mirror.  

Temporary shower curtain, until I get the permanent one made

And we framed in the mirror.

I just love this look!!

So that's it for now.  As soon as we get some more dough and finish the rest I will post the finishing touches!!  Can't wait!!!!!!!

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